Monday, May 20, 2013

What matters

Well Obama's second term is off to roaring start with no less than three major scandals on deck - Benghazi; The IRS and the Tea Party; and Taping the logo pens at the AP. Applying my patented give a poop meter I rank ordered them from highest to least importance.

Taping the Phones at the AP. It's ironic the issue of most pressing importance is getting the least amount of press. There is document called the Constitution that specifically mentions this concept about "freedom of the press". 

Call me crazy but I am thinking taping the phones of the Associate Press might run contrary to that ideal. It shouldn't matter if you're politics run left, right, center - THIS should concern you because at the end of the day the Constitution IS the bedrock of our government - no matter which party calls 1600 Pennsylvania Ave home.

IRS and the Tea Party. Ok I will put it out there. I don't think anybody in the administration let loose the suits from the IRS on the Tea Party and their ilk. That being said the taxation arm of the federal government specifically targeting a political group is about as non-good as it gets. 

Benghazi. Alright in my opinion this was a case of good old fashioned incompetence that was made far worse by a ham fisted excuse of a cover up.

They decided to go minimalist on security; failed to heed warnings; and didn't have a "when things go to hell in a hand basket plan". Four Americans including an ambassador paid the price for this folly. Instead of coming out and saying we screwed this one up they tried to spin it and crashed and burned.

Yes I realize the election was less than two months away, but I think the truth would not have significantly impacted Obama's re-election chances. 

Aside from the wholly preventable loss of life the damage to this debacle has already been done. The administration's hand picked successor to Hillary was essentially thrown to the wolves in a vain attempt to salvage the situation, torpedoing her chances to be confirmed. 

As for Hilary - lets just say her projected run in 2016 took a major hit. You can bet the GOP is filing this one away.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

How to drive a franchise into the ground

Living in NYC I have had the " pleasure" of watching the Jets and Giants every football Sunday. It is obvious which team has its fecal matter in one foot garment.

 Sorry Jet fans I hate to break it to you your team sucks. Not only did this team go from back to back AFC Championship appearances to full blown rebuilding mode inside of 4 years, their superfan Fireman Ed resigned. Fireman Ed people. But hey if you can't do it right you can at least be an example to others. Without further adieu this how you drive a franchise into the ground.

1. Fail to replace key players

There were two things that earned the Jets back to back trips the AFC Championship game - a powerful rushing attack and a stout D.

When LT left the building they never were able to replace his production with Shonn Green. On the other side of the ball there were a number of pieces of that championship caliber defense that were lost for one reason or another and the replacements were simply not up to the task.

2. Whiff on drafting a QB in round one.

Few things are more devastating to a franchise then missing the mark on taking a QB in the top of the draft. May I present Mark Sanchez as exhibit A.

Honestly without the likes of LT carrying the rock he would have been exposed much earlier. Maybe a different coach who actually tried to develop him vs singing his praises at every opportunity would have made a difference. The fact they took Geno Smith means they are about ready to turn the page on the "Sanchize" era.

3.  Engage in stupid front office tricks

Lets start with the guaranteed money thrown at Holmes and Sanchez which precluded ditching either one and put the Jets in a salary cap vise. Then you have the Tebow trade/debacle which cost even more money for a guy they never used. Finally the front office seemed utterly incapable of replacing - well anybody. Running back - nope. Number two WR - sorry. Front seven - nada.

Take heart Jets fans as a Rams fan I can say it can get better. In fact it has already started. It won't happen in one season but IF they stay the course it will get better. And maybe Fireman Ed will sign back on.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Greetings true believers and welcome to my little corner of cyberspace.

This blog will revolve around the things I think are important (i.e. the family); things I like (football; craft beer; good coffee; RPGs; with the occasional rant thrown in for good measure.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yours truly