Sunday, January 28, 2018

Finally got it RIGHT

You know it took me a while but I figured out what truly bothered me about the Return of the Jedi. It wasn't JUST the Ewoks who some how managed to overpower literally the BEST troops the Empire could put in the field with stone weapons, logs, and rocks. Nope - it was how the rebel fleet survived by not being completely and utterly obliterated by the fleet of Star Destroyers.

Seriously - there were like what a dozen or more clustered around Executor. The second they turned away from the Death Star - the rebels should have flown into a wall of Turbo-laser fire that would have turned their cruisers into molten slag. Instead we saw exactly ONE scene of ship to ship combat. The fan film Tie Fighter did an excellent job of demonstrating what this confrontation should have looked like.

And I like to think the powers that be at Lucas Films started thinking about this too because you see it in the last two films - Rogue One and The Last Jedi (as well the animated series Rebels) - what happens when Rebel/Resistance Cruisers clash against massed fire from Imperial capital ships. It's not pretty - like the German Kriegsmarine Destroyer Flotilla getting caught by the British Navy in the Fjords of Norway in 1940 not pretty. Small ships vs. big ships at close range rarely end well for the little guy.

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