Wednesday, February 14, 2018

How did we get here

When I went to school all those years ago we had fire drills because everyone had to know what to do in case of a fire. Now school children today must endure active shooter drills. 

When I went to school the worst that could happen was getting beat up in the school yard. Now our children can be shot dead in the hallway by someone who doesn't even know them.

When I went to school Trapper Keepers were the in thing. Now you can buy your child a backpack that includes a ballistic blanket.

When I went to school, our security staff were armed with the power of their position and strength of personality and nothing more. Now many of our schools have armed police officers on premises.

How does a 19 year old get a hold of an semi-automatic, assault rifle and enough ammunition to start a firefight with a SWAT team.

Why would a young man think killing at least 17 of his fellow classmates, an acceptable expression of his rage and angst.

And how did we get to place where in country that is supposed to be the leader of the Western world where death by gun violence is now becoming a leading cause of death of our youth.

I have always been a proponent of gun rights, but something has to give. Whatever we are doing right now isn't working for anybody. Especially for our children.

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